rinjani trekking price

Are you currently planning a trekking trip to Mount Rinjani? Are you currently looking for information about Mount Rinjani trekking prices and packages? You are on the right track in this article I will discuss about Rinjani trekking price and package. But before getting to the main topic, it would be better if you know how the package and price distribution system applied by the current Rinjani trekking company agents.

Rinjani trekking prices change

Year to year, the change in Rinjani trekking prices is on the rise. There are a few factors at play here, including the increase in the price of food ingredients, the rise in prices for porters and guides, the hike in the cost of the Rinjani mountain entrance ticket, and many more. The current price for Rinjani trekking is still up slightly from last year, with an increase of about 3 to 5 percent. To get a better understanding of the change in the price of the Rinjani trekking, I’ll take an example of the price comparison in 2023 for the trekking “3 Days 2 Nights to the top of Rinjani” at the group price provided by Go2Rinjani. In 2023, the price of the package was around $195 per person (in the group package) with a maximum group of 12 people. This year (2024), with the same package 3 Days 2 Nights to the top of Mount Rinjani, the price is now at $200 per person. With that percentage figure, some people might feel the value of the increase, while others won’t even notice it. Either way, this is the reality you need to know.

Differences Rinjani Trekking Prices at Each Agent

Some agents charge more than others, and some charge less. Either way, you need to be sure they’ll give you the best service at the price they’ve offered. But don’t be too quick to go for the low-price option. If you get an offer at a low price, it’s worth digging for more in-depth info about the agent. Look beyond the basics, like facilities, security, comfort, and other details that can help you make an informed choice. I mean this is important to do, so you can get a decent trip and it meets your expectations. Similarly, if the price is high, you should also look for more detailed information. Just because the price is high doesn’t mean you’ll get the same facilities as if the price were low.

Mount Rinjani Package 

rinjani package

Next, I’ll be talking about the Rinjani trekking package. I think the discussion about Mount Rinjani packages is pretty straightforward because most agents offer similar types of rinjani packages. The price of the Mount Rinjani package is based on how long you stay on the mountain. For instance, you’ve got two-day one-night packages, three-day two-night packages, and four-day three-night packages. Other than that, I don’t think there’s much difference between the packages. Your agent might give it a different name, though. For example, Go2Rinjani has a package called “Sembalun Hot Spring Reward.” It’s basically the same package as the 3 Days 2 Nights package. If you ask if there’s a 5-day, 4-night package, Of course there are, but not many agents have this package because of some experiences, factors, and considerations. Just so you know, Go2Rinjani doesn’t currently have a 5-day, 4-night package. But who knows, maybe the Go2Rinjani team will offer one in the future. So stay tuned for updates.

I just wanted to give you a heads-up about the Mount Rinjani package. In my opinion, it comes in two flavors: private and group. This affects the price of the trek.

Group Package / Group Price

That means you and other trekkers will be converted into one trekking group. So that all your trekking activities from start to finish will be the same as your team. In addition, trekking facilities and food will also be shared equally with your team, except for some facilities that are private and personal, of course, will not be shared with other trekker, for example for tents (for those of you who have a partner), it is certain that you and your partner must get the same tent.

Privat Package / Privat Price

Unlike the group package, in this package you will get 100% privacy from the beginning of your trekking to the end of your trekking activities. Then for facilities and others you will certainly get better than the group package.

How are group and private packages calculated?

rinjani trekking price and package

For example, in the “Senaru Crater Delight” package that you can see here. We have a column of 1 pax to 12 pax. In the private package it is from 1 pax to 6 pax. And you can estimate the price of each based on the number of your trekking members. For example, if you have 5 members and want to take the ‘Sembalun Rinjani summit expedition’ package, each member of you will be charged $280 per person. 

And the rest of the column is for group packages of 7-12 pax. The calculation itself is fixed. For example, if you want to do Rinjani trekking with the “Sembalun to Torean” package type, even if you are a solo traveler or a couple, the price you will get is still the same at $200 per person with the “Sembalun to Torean” package. And you will be combined with other trekkers with the same package price bill of course.

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